Hope you all had a great Easter and Mid-Term break!
Ours have been a joyful mix of over-indulgent of chocolate, eggs and plenty of great quality time spent with the kids.
After two crazy months of getting the business ready to launch and the Webshop up and running, I am glad that the school holiday is here again. Beside getting to take sometime off from work (flexible working hours, an advantage for being self-employed ;-), it also means, a short break for Taxi-mama job, less cooking and more sleep for me, yippie!
I wrote about the wonderful performance of the Apassionata show we saw in Basel recently, “The Golden Trail”, and how my two girls have been wishing for a pony or two around the garden (of which my answer happened to be a “no”). Well, instead I promised them a chance to experience how it is like to look after these ponies by arranging something special for them at a small ponyhof down the village. Though I thought a visit to the “Kinderzoo” Knie at Rapperswil would also be great start for the holiday now that we got the sunshine back (it kind of disappeared from Switzerland for a while prior this).I love this zoo, so did the girls. They had great fun feeding the animals, watching the sea lions doing their little tricks and getting to ride the ponies. I especially like the new Thai restaurant here. The food was good and the staff were really friendly.
Strangely it also felt as though I came here to officially say goodbye to Winter and hello to Spring, especially after having to bring back the skis and ski boots which I’ve rented for the girls in a local sport store here. Ah snow, I won’t be missing you until next skiing season!
On the next day I decided to take the girls to join some friends and made a spontaneous visit to Mainau, Bodensee (Germany) before heading back home. Mainau is absolutely stunning at the moment especially with all the colorful spring flowers blooming. Besides the creative flower gardens, castle and more ponies, the huge playground with mini punting boats here definitely have left a very good impression on the girls to make them want to come back :-)
We spent the last couple of days lazing around the house and the garden before the school start and before mummy (me) gets back to her usual 16 hours a day of work. There are packages sitting around, waiting to be unpacked and sorted. Emails, letters, correspondences, contracts and bills, all have made their arrivals as well. The nice thing to know about these stuff is the fact that, they will always be there, waiting for me too.
I’m recharged, refreshed and the next holiday is planned and booked. Life is beautiful. I’m now ready for anything - Hello work!
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