Friday, 4 November 2016

Newsletter November Aktuelle!

Lieber Kunde und Freunde von Lenada

Die Tage werden immer kürzer und die Nächte fallen jetzt früher ein. Wir änderten die Zeit auf der Uhr, lagern das Brennholz, sammeln die letzten Früchte von dem Apfelbaum und machen uns bereit für die vertraute gekühlte kalte Luft. Der Herbst ist offiziell hier.

Zusammen mit der Ankunft des Herbstes haben wir also einige gute Neuigkeiten für Sie:

Das Einkaufen mit uns ist jetzt besser als je zuvor. Nachdem Sie Ihre Auswahl gesucht und gefunden, würden wir Ihre Bestellung kostenlos abschicken! *

Wir haben auch unsere "Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen" und "FAQ" zu diesen Änderungen aktualisiert.

Vergessen Sie den Stress und die Hektik der Zeit auf der Suche nach grundlegenden Kleidung für Ihre Kinder. hat eine Vielzahl an grundlegenden und schönen Kleidungsstücken in bester Qualität und fairen Preisen für Sie bereit, geliefert zu werden. Treffen Sie die Wahl im Komfort Ihres zu Hauses.

Und natürlich, nicht vergessen, etwas Zeit für sich zu nehmen, entspannen und genießen Sie einfach die schöne goldene Jahreszeit!

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,


* Dieses Angebot gilt ausschließlich für alle Kunden in der Schweiz und in Liechtenstein.

Newsletter November Update!!!

Dear Customer and friends of Lenada

With daytime getting shorter and nighttime falling in sooner, we changed the time on the clock, stocking up on firewood, collecting the last fruits from the apple tree and getting ready for that familiar chilled cold air. Autumn is officially here.

Along with the arrival of autumn, we’ve some good news to announce:

Shopping with us is now better than ever before. After you’ve done your pick and your click online, we would do the delivery to you at free of charge!*

We have also updated our “Terms & Conditions” and “FAQ” regarding these changes.

Forget the stress and the hustle and bustle of finding time to drive around looking for basic clothing for your kids. have plenty of basic and beautiful clothing in great quality and fair-priced stocked up for you ready to be delivered. Make the choice within the comfort of your home.

Meanwhile, don’t forget to make yourself a cup of tea, lean back relax and simply enjoy the beautiful golden season!

Yours truly,

*This offer is exclusive for all customers living in Switzerland and Liechtenstein only.

Sunday, 10 July 2016



Wir haben vom 13. Juli bis 20 Juli 2016 geschlossen.

Bitte beachten Sie, dass alle Bestellungen während diesem Datum erst ab 21.Juli 2016 bearbeitet wird. Unser Showroom in Densbüren wird auch zwischen dieser Zeit geschlossen bleiben. Wir danken Ihnen für Ihr Verständnis und wünschen Ihnen schöne Sommertage! 

Close for holiday from the 13th to the 20th of July 2016.

Please note that all orders made during the above mentioned dates will not be carried out before the 21st of July 2016. The Showroom in Densbüren will also remain closed during these dates. Thank you for your understanding and wishing you a great summer holiday!

Friday, 1 July 2016

!!!Sommer Sale!!!

Profitieren Sie jetzt von unserem tollen Angebot.

Bis 40% Rabatt* 
ab einem Einkauf von Fr. 50.- mit Ihrem Code: sommer2016 einlösbar Online und im Showroom.**

*Nicht kumulierbar mit anderen Aktionen und Vergünstigungen. Ab einem Einkauf von Fr. 50.-, netto. Angebot gültig bis 31.08.2016
**Bitte vergessen Sie nicht, den Rabatt-Code bei der Check Out ein zu geben.

Friday, 25 March 2016

My kind of luxury, liberating single-parent-life

As I am writing this, my daughters seem to be taking turn to constantly blabbing away next to my ears and asking for my attention, to look, watch, and listen to their "stories" (currently it's about a bunny and some Veggie friends having a picnic after a big, adventurous trip to the Supermarket), so if my writing appeared distracted and disconnected then - please accept my apology.

There are days when I used to wish that it lasted more than 24 hours just so I could get more things done. Though now, I can wake up without feeling guilty for not having gone to bed before the first hour of the next day actually arrived. To be able to do that hasn't been easy for me since I became a single parent since the 3 years. Learning to relax and leaving things undone everynow and then wasn't an easy thing for me to do even though I knew it's equally important.

I like getting stuff done; tuck, tuck, tuck! The sooner they're out of my way, the better. Be it housework, paper work or even appointments. If I need to have a meeting with someone, I preferred to choose the early morning hours. Some people may wondered why I am this way, it's because I need to put myself under time pressure in order to get things done and it must be done right now, otherwise I'll be in a totally opposite timeline mode where nothing get done at all for a while. I happen to be one of those who find peace and calm better in a neat environment. It means, the quicker I get my jobs done, the sooner I can get to enjoy my blissful peace and calm mind mode. But in truth, this isn't always possible so I often ended up feeling annoyed with myself and totally frustrated. I knew something wasn't right. I needed a change.

***Pause***Time to go hidding the Easter Eggs***

I reset my priorities and simply slowdown. I set myself a more realistic goals and focus on what really matter now. It makes me breath better. No doubt I could also sleep better at night and even more hours than previously. That, in my opinion, is luxury. Leaving everything behind so I could run out to catch up with my pilates classes, meeting up with friends and spending more times with my pets is all worth it. That is again, my luxury for life. Every now and then I even forgot my appointments. But you know what, it felt good and it made me laugh. The good news is, those work that got left behind, they usually never run away from me so we'll always have time to catch up on that - at some point.

As a single, self-defined I-can-do-it-all-mom, my favourite part of this job is, I get to choose and determine what, how, when and why I want to get things done. You see, I rule. The kids know, mom's the boss. Life is oh-so-beautiful. What a luxury life I have :-)

Now, let me just take another sip of wine before I continue with all the bragging. Did I say wine? I meant coffee;-) But I'll remember to come back to the wine all right. Afterall, that is also part of my luxury life!

So, when I say that I am a "I-can-do-it-all-mom", I meant litterally that. I'm as much a mum and a dad for my two girls after all since there're just the three of us now. It hasn't always been this way obviously but as we all knew, sometimes life don't always turn out the way we've expected it to be. This is exactly why I believe, all the more reason why we should embrace every good things we have right in front of us and right now. In my case, my two precious princesses.

***Meanwhile, the girls found all the 30 eggs hidden*** Natalie won and Leila was almost in tears (she's absolutely terrible at losing games). Anyway, both got giant chocolate eggs as rewards so Leila could smile again :-)

The moment I discovered that, keeping up with it all doesn't matter as much compared to the need to feel that I am doing the right thing, I felt so liberated. I don't know if everything is going to be OK but at least I am not afraid if everything isn't going to be OK. I used to worry way too much as I felt that every decisions I made each day should effect the rest of my children's future. I was and still am worrying that I will make the wrong decision or not doing enough to be a good parent or being a good enough example for them. I used to drive myself crazy about all that but fortunately I could turn myself around and saw that, what I really wanted, I already have. My two happy, healthy kids.

It's OK when everything else isn't perfect right now but I have so much time (luxury) and opportunites (another luxury) to get to listen to them when they so excitedly fighting to share their stories at school, to see their happy faces when they knew they've done something great, whether from school, with friends or in their own spare times. I have no doubt that I am on the right path and I am doing the right thing.

I don't need to be a super mummy, just a mummy who are at times, very forgetful. And I knew I am doing doing OK with that :-)

Happy Easter to all!