Wednesday 14 October 2015

Mommy's guilt

It's one of those days when your kids drove you so nut that all you want to do is stand there screaming: "Do you hear me or do you actually don't understand my language?!?" But you knew better; the noise may get you the attention you need, but you also knew that they are actually thinking; "Mommy've gone mad"...

Indeed. Mommy have gone so mad that tonight there will be no stories, no hugs no kisses - light off and that's it with you lots. Good night!!!

Guess who's most miserable now? Me!!! So I'm not quite sure who's being punished here. 

I sat and wait until all was quiet and still before decided to creep up the stairs as quiet as I possibly could. Now that they're fast asleep, just how wonderful and sweet are those angel faces. I hope they don't mind when I'm about to steal the hugs and kisses from them now. Goodnight and sweet dream. 

Will make sure to remember waking them up with extra hugs and kisses the follwing morning.

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